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Coach For Parents With Neurodivergent Children

The Art Of Parenting


Hi, I’m Jen. I help moms navigate life raising their neurodivergent child.

Welcome to a safe space created by a mom who knows firsthand the ups and downs of raising kids with unique needs. That mom is me, and I get it because I’ve been there with my own three neurodivergent children. Autism, ADHD, anxiety, Tourette’s makes our household amazing!

Imagine the chaos of managing school meetings, therapy sessions, and all the other challenges, while also making sure your child feels loved and supported. It’s a lot to handle, especially when you’re dealing with constant stress, feeling judged, and sometimes just feeling really lonely. I’ve been through it all—the overwhelming stress, the burnout, and the anxiety.

I too have laid awake at night scared and alone thinking about how to get through the next day, let alone the future. Behaviors, school challenges, impulsivity, focus difficulties, and the list goes on. This world is not designed for our kids and it is our job to teach them life skills and let them be their best self. There are terms I opt not to use, such as ‘special needs’ or ‘disability,’ and instead, I work to address and support their strengths.

But through it all, I’ve learned something important: We all have strengths, even in the toughest moments. As a Parent Coach, I’m here to help you find those strengths in yourself and your amazing kiddo. Together, we’ll figure out how to tackle the tough stuff and make a plan that works for your family.

I bring more than just personal experience to the table. With my background as a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and my own journey living with ADHD, I offer a unique perspective that’s both professional and personal. Plus, I’m not just about talk—I’m also a trained IEP Parent Partner and Executive Function Coach, ready to face challenges head-on.

So, whether it’s decoding behaviors or fostering connection, I live it, I understand it, I teach it, and I love neurodiversity. If you’re looking for a place where you can be yourself and get real support and strategies, you’re in the right spot. Let’s walk this journey together, one step at a time.

Your child needs YOU, beautiful momma. Let’s take care of you

Coach For Parents With Neurodivergent Children

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